
Canon MJ Group’s Material Issues

Material Issue Identification Process

At the Canon MJ Group, we define material issues as key issues that need to be addressed immediately in order to maintain sustainable growth. We have identified six high-priority issues (one to meet the expectations of society and five to meet the needs of society) by receiving advice from outside experts, sorting the needs of our various stakeholders, and taking the Canon MJ Group's growth strategies and policies into consideration.

Our Material Issue-Focused Approach

Due to their cross-sectional and multifaceted nature, our approach to material issues is spearheaded by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which collaborates with the human resources, procurement, legal affairs, and other relevant internal departments as well as the Human Resources Strategy Committee, Risk and Crisis Management Committee, and the Quality Improvement Committee, which operate under the Management Committee. The Sustainability Promotion Committee assembles and visualizes the measures that are already being taken as well as the measures that need to be taken in the future, determines their level of priority, and establishes KPIs to develop a specific action plan.
In fiscal 2022, our key outcomes for material issues were as follows.
With respect to the environment, we achieved 100% use of renewable energy for the electricity used at five of the Group's business sites, including Group headquarters and Canon MJ's office buildings. Also, in an effort to help realize a resource-recycling society, we identified risks and took measures to maintain our recycling rate for product waste at 99.9% or higher. In terms of respect for human rights, we identified the negative impacts of our business activities on human rights as a part of our human rights due diligence process and determined the high-priority issues. In addition, we conducted e-learning for all Group employees to promote awareness of human rights. We also defined the scope of risk and crisis management and established KPIs that are linked to the Risk and Crisis Management Committee and the Companywide risk map.
In fiscal 2023, we will proceed with measures in accordance with the themes and KPIs we have established.