
Human Resource Development

At the Canon Marketing Japan (hereafter, the "Canon MJ"), we have a basic policy of evaluating job performance, awareness, and actions fairly and equally regardless of gender, age and educational background. We apply a similar policy to human resource development. We provide educational opportunities, including opportunities to receive IT literacy education and education for each employee level, fairly to all employees who proactively seek learning.
Further, in 2021, we defined our ideal human resources and began to work proactively on human resources development, aiming to achieve the objective of developing skilled human resources that is set out in the Long-Term Management Objectives.

Ideal Human Resources

"Professional human resources who demonstrate enterprising nature and continue to be selected for their new value creation"

Human Resource Development Policy

  1. Based on the spirit of the San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit that constitutes the Canon Code of Conduct, we create learning environments in which participants can study with a sense of ownership.
  2. We clarify the gap between aspiration and reality, and design steps to close that distance.
  3. As foundation of learning, we require our people to think issues through to the end, and to think their way to solutions.
  4. Taking the basic approach that people are trained through experience, we create not only spaces for training but opportunities to take on real-world challenges.
  5. By respecting and sometimes questioning the opinions of others, we create an environment in which we teach and are taught, educate and are educated.

    *The diversification of human resources leads to the development of human resources.

<Targeted Changes in Behavior>

The thoughts behind the logo

Learning, Challenges, and Changes

The logo reflects our desire to make the Canon MJ Group an entity that continues learning, taking on new challenges, and changing.

Based on the San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit, we continue to learn of our own accord and use the cultivated knowledge to take on new challenges in our business or work. In doing so, we accomplish change. And this is where we start learning something new. People develop and grow through this cycle. We require employees to pursue personal development through proactive learning, thereby changing their behaviors.
We turn the personal development of individuals into the growth of organizations and the company, aiming to be an entity that continues to be preferred by customers and society.

This logo was designed with inspiration from the words, "think issues through to the end," in the Human Resource Development Policy. It symbolizes continuous thinking and infinite possibilities.

Wealth of Learning Opportunities

At the Canon MJ Group, we provide basic training that is common to all job categories, training for increasing expertise in each field and developing personnel who can lead their departments, and selective training for the management executives of the future.

Basic Training

We aim to implement a cycle through which behavior will be transformed through learning, taking on challenges and change. More specifically, employees will learn autonomously, draw on this learning to take on new work challenges and this will result in them changing something or in a change in themselves. We see new employee training and rank-based training as an opportunity for change and will instill a new mindset and skills. Such training is provided based on a personnel training system that defines the ability to think, the ability to execute, and the ability to involve other people, in a stepwise manner, and we ensure that employees can acquire skills step by step in areas such as design thinking, career training and human resource development in addition to business skills such as logical thinking, marketing, accounting and strategy. In addition, we support growth by offering a wide range of learning opportunities including a system of support for the acquisition of new qualifications, distance learning and e-learning. We are also focusing on initiatives to strengthen IT skills, such as having all employees sit the IT passport, DX certification and DX business certification exams and having all employees take part in data literacy training focusing on data handling.

Education and Training System

We provide rank-specific training, which is aimed at supporting the transition when employees move to a higher stage, and online training intended for all employees. In rank-specific training, employees strive to achieve their ideal, of which they have a specific image, by developing their skills and mindset.
Moreover, we have expanded the menu for improving project management skills, language proficiency, PC skills, and other skills so that anyone can achieve personal development with the San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit.
We believe it is important to develop a climate in which every single person continues learning.

We believe that the ability to think, the ability to execute, and the ability to involve other people are important specific skills that employees should acquire. We have therefore systematized them by expressing them as skills required by Canon MJ.
This permits each employee to confirm their position and get a picture of growth they have achieved after joining the company. We aim to have employees master theories on individual skills in training sessions and other opportunities, acquire the skills through daily on-the-job training, and ultimately to harness them as organizational strengths.

Specialist Training

Management Personnel Development

Future management executives are selected by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee which is chaired by the President and made up of Outside Directors and Internal Directors. The development of personnel who will become management candidates is also discussed at the Human Resources Strategy Committee, which is a permanent committee. Matters such as important appointments and participation in selective training are discussed in detail and we have developed a framework for developing management personnel over the long term.

Selective Training

We provide selective training for general manager- and manager-class employees to develop diverse human resources as candidates for future management executives. We have been holding Quorum 12, which is selection for general manager-class employees, since 2014. This is aimed at honing management skills and also improving people skills. For example, we incorporate liberal arts training to encourage diverse perspectives and flexible thinking and refine trainees’ sensitivity and sensibility.
In addition, we have been holding Quorum 15 for manager-class employees since 2019 for the early development of human resources. Participants learn by trying their skills against others at business schools or taking part in regional revitalization fieldworks.
In both cases, we achieve the development of human resources with a wide range of knowledge and diversity by assigning participants to positions for which they have no experience after the training. This training functions as a practical framework that plays a part in the future selection of human resources.

Development of Highly Skilled Specialist Personnel

Since 2022, we have been provided training through definition of personnel by job type based on business strategy and visualization of personnel numbers. We define personnel by job type in the range 1 to 5, positioning levels 4 and 5 as personnel with advanced skills, and once we have clarified the target number of personnel we then focus on developing them. In particular, we are putting effort into acquiring and developing highly skilled IT solutions personnel.

Acquisition of IT Solutions Personnel

Also in our recruiting activities, we put emphasis on acquiring human resources with a view to strengthening the IT solutions business.
Recruitment for the new job type of IT Business Planner, introduced in 2022, is one such initiative, and we are working to increase personnel with data literacy and business literacy. At the same time, we are also putting effort into hiring midcareer professionalism to realize important themes for business expansion at an early stage. In the past few years, IT-related personnel account for an increasing share of all new hires. In particular, we have also invited business managers from outside in a bid to create new value. Since 2018, 10 diverse personnel have joined us in areas such as new business and IT solutions-related business and they are driving our business.
Furthermore, for the continued expansion of the IT solutions business, we are developing structure that will allow us to secure personnel in a more stable manner through investment in IT solutions partners.

Development of Highly Skilled IT Solutions Personnel

Focusing on personnel involved in the SI business, we have put in place a personnel system based on the IT Skill Standards (ITSS) and supported the growth of personnel through skills training and support for the acquisition of qualifications necessary for each job; however, in recent years, roles that do not fit into the ITSS framework have also increased. As shown by the creation of the Digital Skills Standards (DSS) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry at the end of 2022, the world now needs human resources that were previously undefined. Through the definition of personnel by job type based on business strategy and visualization of personnel numbers and also through the utilization of DSS, Canon MJ is working to develop highly skilled IT solutions personnel.

Career Development Support

Canon Marketing Japan is committed to supporting the career development of employees, aiming to “increase job satisfaction by allowing employees to think about their own careers autonomously and work independently towards the career they want to pursue, and to foster an organizational culture invigorated by autonomous employees”.
In addition to regular career interviews between bosses and their subordinates, dedicated career consultants (who hold national qualifications) give career consultations, and we hold career seminars by rank and age group to help employees achieve career autonomy.

Individual Support and Career Counseling (Available on Demand)

A career counseling service with internal career consultants

Support by Age Group/Career Training and Career Interview

Age group-specific career training and personal interviews with internal career consultants

Managerial Employee Support/Career Training and Career Interview

Career training for managers for acquiring the skills to support subordinates and personal interviews with internal career consultants

Intra-Departmental Support - Career Interviews with Subordinates by Superiors

Career interviews with immediate superiors

In-house Recruiting Program

It is important to be proactive in planning one's own career development. At the Canon MJ Group, we encourage employees to boldly take on new positions. We also implement the Job Opening Bulletin System (JOBS), an in-house recruiting program aimed at activating human resources in the Group. The “company FA system” which provides employees with the opportunity to take on challenges of their own free will” has also been launched.

*FA (Free Agent) right: an employee’s right to indicate his or her intentions with respect to his or her career and the type of job he or she want to do.

Asia Trainee Program

To develop globally competitive human resources, we implement the Asia Trainee Program, in which we send young employees to the Canon Group's overseas subsidiaries in Asia for language and practical training. The goal of this program is to foster professionals who are familiar with the local languages, cultures, and business customs in other Asian countries. This is a training program of Canon Inc., which is aimed at turning trainees from the Group into strong candidates for future overseas assignments.